On Thursday 22 October 2015 our Y11 students participated in a Careers and Mock Interview Day.   Students received lots of information on the day which helped to increase their skill base and enhance their confidence.  As part of the process, students were interviewed by either a college or business professional and feedback was given to them on their performance at interview.  We also invited external providers into school – ‘Live-N-Learn’ and Manchester University who provided motivational and skill-development sessions as part of the programme for the day.     

We had 36 business professionals participating in the event.  Their willingness to assist our students in this manner enabled us to host the event.  This support also provides our students with an invaluable experience; meeting professionals on a one-to-one basis will have inspired and hopefully boosted their confidence about many other aspects of their life.   Events like this are designed to inspire our students to strive for excellence now whilst also highlighting the importance of achieving good qualifications. The feedback from students was excellent with 95% of students declaring they enjoyed the day and 96% of students said that the day successfully informed them about their options when they leave school.

The interviewers also enjoyed their day and Trevor Barton MBE ‘tweeted’ his support after the event:  Trevor Barton MBE ‏@Trevorbarton999.  

"This afternoon spent helping with mock interviews @ Westleigh High School.  Met 6 highly committed & decent young people.

Respect our youth."